To the West between the Tarn and Garonne the Côtes du Fontonnais is the local wine of Toulouse.
The native grape here is Négrette, which usually mixed with Cabernet, Shiraz and Gamay gives a notable red, limpid and fruity.
Fronton and Villaudric are the leading communes.
Terroir : located at 25 km from Toulouse on a gravely, siliceous and dry soil
Cepages : 50% Negrette - 30% Malbec - 10% Shiraz - 10% Cabernet Sauvignon
Concours des Vins du Sud-Ouest 2003: Médaille d’Argent
Prix Vinalies Macon 2004: Bronce Medal
International Wine Contest Bourg sur Gironde 2004: Silver Medal
SouthWest Wine Contest Castelsarazin 2004: Bronce Medal
Wine Spectator 79 points
Tastings Notes : the nose has violet aromas. Delicate notes of spices accentuate the red fruit savors. Ends with a vanilla touch given by the wood. The tannins are silky and mellow
Negrette : grape grown in the region about 100 miles southeast of Bordeaux, France. Used for red wine and rose' blends along with Gamay Noir, Syrah and Duras grapes. The grape is thought by some to be known as Pinot St.George in California.